Do not miss this mythology

Thursday, May 7, 2020


  1. ONCE there was a boy,who instilled faith,trust and confidence and belief that to prove what you wish will come true.He carried an umbrella after the prayers wishing it would rain, It did rain.
  2. Either you believe completely,or do not believe,when someone else prays you can also benefit.
  3. Oh! dear ministers!
  4. You very gladly opened
  5. The doors for the beloved
  6. Drunkards,who are a
  7. Menace to the family,
  8. Women and children,
  9. And also to the society.
  10. Where is INDIA growing?
  11. Why not open the doors
  12. Of the temples,mosques,
  13. Churches for all devotees,
  14. Following all precautions
  15. Giving livelihood to all
  16. Poor sellers of flowers,
  17. Coconuts, bananas,
  18. Incense sticks,camphor
  19. And lemons and candles 
  20. AND Sweet things as prasad.
  21. Why not give free food
  22. As usual in the temples,
  23. For those under privileged???
  24. Let the temple bells ring,
  25. To get rid of this dead negative
  26. Silence, not a creative 
  27. Or productive one.
  28. Let all the cheerful bells ring,
  29. Let the prayers be heard,
  30. Bringing with them the 
  31. Good health,happiness
  32. Cheers and prosperity
  33. To the whole world.
  34. Our ancestors, forefathers
  35. Were more thoughtful,
  36. Had better foresight,
  37. Than our so called
  38. Scientific minds
  39. Which finds things only
  40. For destruction and harmful
  41. To all living and non living
  42. organisms.

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